Flight ready, housing ready, suitcase definitely not ready.
Leaving chilly Canada on Monday January 27th heading to a small landlocked nation known as the warm heart of Africa. The next almost three months my home will be in Lilongwe which is the capital of Malawi, Africa.
Working alongside Theresa Malila and her Somebody Cares staff, five key areas will be targeted:
1. Pastoral and youth 2. Widows and violence against women 3. Orphans and vulnerable children
4. Home Based Care 5. Community Development
I will be specifically involved in the target area of pastoral and youth where I will use my Bible College training and youth ministry experience to teach people the truth of scripture while always pointing them to Jesus Christ.
Some things I’ve learned recently while at home in Ottawa. God is always at work even when we don’t assume he is. Also, Prayer is a prerequisite to seeing people differently.
Posturing myself before God and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me, my prayer is that I may be able to see people the way God sees them and to respond appropriately(even in the airport and on the plane).
Specific Prayer requests
1. That I would smoothly settle into my new living conditions in Malawi.
2. That there would be unity between myself and my brothers and sisters that I work alongside in Malawi.
3.That the rest of my trip finances would come in ($400.00 left to go).
4. That God would continually give me dreams and visions of what my future looks like as I submit to Him.
5. That I would have an urgency to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and that I would be able to show loving action out of my understanding of God’s love for me.
Genesis 39:23b “The Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.”
Joseph purposely tried to avoid sinning against God. The Spirit of God was in him and although people intended to harm him, God intended it for good to accomplish what would eventually be done. The saving of many lives!!
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